
The Incubator:

The BRAVE Method ™
A Transformational Expansion Program That Takes You From Blocked To Badass

Does this sound like you ...

I often feel lost and unsure of myself.

I'm a stressed out people pleaser who doesn't prioritize myself.

I crave connection and community.

Are you tired of feeling unheard and unnoticed?

Do you constantly find yourself under pressure to show up, but you're unsure of how to do so or even what it means?

It's draining, isn't it? The constant struggle to be seen and heard, always expending energy to control the narrative.


If you're feeling untethered and ungrounded, unsure of which direction to take or what the right answer is, you're not alone. Many of us find ourselves flitting from one thing to another, lacking focus and clarity. And to make matters worse, we often take on the burden of other people's problems, feeling responsible for fixing or solving them.


But deep down, you know you deserve more. You yearn for a happy, healthy, authentic, and joyful life. You want to let go of the things that no longer serve you, to stop holding on for longer than is healthy. You're tired of feeling lost, without direction, and confused about your next steps.

Imagine a transformation where confusion is replaced by clarity, and loneliness is replaced by a supportive and empowering community. Picture yourself understanding yourself better, embracing your own voice, and no longer being swayed by someone else's. Envision the opportunity to expand as an individual, focusing on your personal growth and showing up as your best self.

It's time to come home to yourself, belong to yourself first and learn to like and trust yourself in this moment.

Here's the thing …

You're no longer who you used to be and you're not quite who you're going to be. So how can you learn to find “enough” in the person you are at this moment? How can you be kind and compassionate to yourself and build a foundation that is healthier and stronger for you and everyone else around you?

You are have everything it takes. Now it's time to believe it. 

I, Heather Vickery, am living proof that it’s possible. And I can show you how.

The Incubator is the solution you've been searching for. Through this transformative program, I will guide you on a journey of self-discovery and personal development. You'll gain the tools and insights you need to break free from the cycle of feeling unnoticed and unheard. You'll learn to harness your inner power, find your voice, and confidently step into the life you've always dreamed of.

Don't let uncertainty hold you back any longer. It's time to take control of your narrative, embrace your authenticity, and create a life filled with joy and purpose. Join The Incubator today and unlock your true potential. The future you've been longing for is just a click away.

Ready to expand and elevate!?

Designed to be enjoyed remotely and woven into your busy schedule, the Incubator allows you to stay at the helm of your ship (or even multiple ships) scaling your life and business without compromising either.

In this transformational 16-week program, you’ll learn to apply the BRAVE Method ™ to manifesting your most magnificent existence, utilize Human Design to have a deep and powerful understanding of how you're innately designed to experience the world, practice fierce self-compassion so you can belong to yourself first, and so much more.


Best of all? You’ll be working directly with me. 


I’ve walked this walk, I’ve been right where you are, and I have years of expert, transformational coaching experience teaching others how to step into their highest potential, regardless of how scary it is.

I believe in your ability to have it all.

You’re worth it!

(You heard me right, you totally are!)


You pour so much into others; make sure you’re pouring plenty into yourself too by investing in this exclusive, up-leveling experience that can be tailored specifically to your needs. 

By the by … When I say exclusive, I mean it. This opportunity is only offered *twice a year and capacity is strictly limited* to ensure that every participant gets the individual attention they need to engineer their own balanced success story. Are you ready to step into a first-class future? If so, use the button below to apply today.

By filling out the application you'll be on the priority list for the next cohort of The Incubator and have priority access to registration.

Here what past participants have to say

The Brave Entrepreneur Incubator is more than a coaching program.

Get ready for …

  • Customized Support
  • Group Coaching
  • Peer Support and Masterminding
  • 1:1 Coaching
  • Deep dive into your Human Design
  • Positive Psychology
  • NLP
  • Community
  • Collaboration
  • Networking
  • A Coach in Your Pocket
  • Education
  • Elevation
  • Expansion
  • A Little Woo
  • A Lot of Heart

You wouldn't believe the magic that happens when a community of heart-centered folks come together and embrace expansion!

More than just a course, The Incubator is dedicated to helping you understand and elevate yourself personally so you can grow professionally. 


Want to talk through the program and see if it's the right fit for you? Let's jump on a call!

Included in your membership

  • Firsthand expert explanation and application of The BRAVE Method ™ to each of the five program sections
  • An individual, complementary human design chart reading and coaching session (“Human Design” is a holistic, science-based, self-knowledge system that helps you live in alignment)
  • Guided breakthwork and meditation
  • Live coaching
  • Coach-on-Call access to Heather Vickery through custom app
  • Collaborative, engaging community for peer to peer support
  • Motivational and transformational mindset training & workshops (including replays and supplemental links)
  • Customized Visualizations, Affirmations, and Guided EFT tapping meditations
  • Self-guided work to expand on the training between sessions and give you plenty of practice
  • Weekly office hours and regular check-ins
  • Special gifts for registration and graduation
  • Q&A intensives
  • Optional deeper-diving book suggestions to go further with the lessons in each of the five program sections
  • And so much more ...
$ 430
12 Monthly Payments.
$ 1288
Four Monthly Payments.
$ 4884
Payment in full


Working with Heather always incudes

Human Design: 

Each private coaching packing starts with a custom Human Design session to help you understand how you're innately designed to live in and experience the world. You'll learn how you best make decisions, what your unique gifts are, what you're here to do in the world and so much more. Human Design is all about living into yourself, not living up to anything. This is powerful work when it comes to learning to like and trust yourself. Having this information as a foundational resource helps Heather coach you in the most aligned way and powerfully connects you with your truest self.


NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programing):

NLP is a psychological approach that explores the connections between our neurological processes (neuro), language patterns (linguistic), and learned behaviors (programming). NLP techniques and strategies aim to understand and change the way you think, communicate, and behave on a subconscious level in order to achieve specific goals and improve overall well-being. This is where we as a team (coach and client) partner actionable steps with subconscious reprograming for a full bodied approach to elevation, growth and change.


Positive Psychology: 

This approach focuses on understanding and enhancing human well-being, happiness, and optimal functioning. It emphasizes the study of positive emotions, and strengths, and seeks to promote resilience, positive relationships, and personal growth. This isn’t about toxic positivity, it’s about shifting our energy and mindset away from what’s not working into what is, or could be working. Positive psychology examines what makes life worth living and how you can best thrive. Through this work we will explore things like gratitude, mindfulness, character strengths, and positive experiences to help you cultivate a fulfilling life, build resilience, and achieve your full potential. By shifting the focus from pathology to positive aspects we tap into practical strategies and interventions to enhance overall well-being and flourish.


 The BRAVE Method:

This is Heather's custom coaching method to help you problem solve, dream, design and actually have a life and a business you're madly in love with. BRAVE is an acronym for Boundaries, The Three Rs (reassessment, reframing and resilience), Action and Accountability, Vulnerability, Expansion and Empowerment. Get more information on The BRAVE Method below.


Benefits Of The Incubator &
Its Transformational Coaching Style

This is a 16 week program.

One week for introductions, intention setting and getting to know one another. Then we flow into our five key sections, delivered in 2-week sections with the 3rd week being Q/A, coaching support and community connection.

It’s time to own your expansion!