Jenny Buttaccio

Give it One Last Shot

With Featured Guest

Jenny Buttaccio


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Jenny Buttaccio

Give it One Last Shot

With Featured Guest

Jenny Buttaccio


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Top Takeaways From This Episode

  • Plain and simple: Never give up. Find your purpose and keep moving forward
  • Many thoughts are weighted in nothing. Recognize those and let them pass.
  • The end of an era is not the end of your destiny.

Jenny Buttaccio joins us to talk about her emotional journey through self-discovery and strengthening. All of this really began with the formation of Lyme Disease which went undiagnosed for many years.

Jenny, former Occupational Therapist and now writer, has had Lyme Disease since before 2005 but didn’t have a diagnosis until nearly 2013. This disease certainly changed the way she lived but hasn’t stopped her from living a fulfilling life.

Be it in sickness or in health, all of us face problems that, at times,  tend to take us back and put life on hold. Unsurprisingly, thoughts continuously fill our brain. Those thoughts can convince us to be scared. They have the ability to convince us that we shouldn’t keep moving forward. However, at some point, one must reflect on themselves and those thoughts and recognize them as just that: thoughts.

Thoughts, especially those without weight, are temporary and shouldn’t hold us back from chasing what we want. “Life is a series of beginning and ends. Just because something ends, doesn’t mean it’s the end of your life”.

Fortunately, Jenny's thoughts and her health have not stripped her of the desire to live. Her story is amazing. Sit back and listen close, we have a special one for you this week.

Some of Jenny's Articles:

More About Jenny:

Jenny Buttaccio is a former occupational therapist and now blogger/published writer on many different websites. In 2005, Jenny started a journey that turned into a discovery that she had Lyme disease, something that changed her life forever. Through many dark days, Jenny continues to push forward,and is now writing over 20 articles a month, spanning over numerous different websites.

Jenny's dogs, Opal and Emmi. She calls them her “little joys.”

Giving is Good

Jenny also loves to support charitable organizations as well, a couple of her favorites include Project Lyme and The Beagle Freedom Project.

"Sometimes a thought is just a thought. It can pass and not have real meaning."

- Jenny Buttaccio

Meet your Host, <em style="color:teal">Heather Vickery<em>

Meet your Host, Heather Vickery

Heather Vickery is an award-winning business owner and global leader with over 20 years as an entrepreneur. She leverages her entrepreneurial skills and expertise to coach individuals towards greater personal and professional fulfillment by helping them leverage their fear into intentional bravery. Heather says “When we choose bravely, on purpose, we choose bigger, have bigger successes and it’s contagious” A celebrated public speaker, Heather inspires audiences and empowers attendees with the tools they need to live bold and successful lives through creating balance, time management, mindfulness, as well as countless systems, strategies, and boundaries. She’s the author of Gratitude Journal: Shift Your Focus and Grow Grateful: A Gratitude Journal for Kids and Families. Heather is also the host and executive producer of The Brave Files Podcast.

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