Omar Yamani-headshot

The Theory of Accountability

With Featured Guest

Omar Yamini


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Omar Yamani-headshot

The Theory of Accountability

With Featured Guest

Omar Yamini


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Top Takeaways From This Episode

  • We need to be mindful of the company we keep, and the company our children keep
  • Knowing who your children are spending time with can, quite literally, save their lives.
  • Our criminal justice system is terrifyingly broken.
  • Thousands of African American men are imprisoned for life for crimes they did not commit.
  • Children need attention, connection, and people they can trust
  • People coming out from prison needs a strong support group that has social capital to lift them up, keep them focused, and that mentors them
  • Our mistakes, however large, do not define us. The story is yours to write and rewrite if you choose to.
  • The proper mindset can get you through even the most unimaginable thing

Imagine being arrested, charged and sentenced to prison for a murder you didn’t commit. This week’s guest, Omar Yamini, experienced just that and he breaks all of the stereotypes of someone who has a murder conviction and served 15 years in prison.

Omar reinvented himself after his release, graduated from college, become an education consultant, built a non-profit, started a family, and is an extraordinary member of society and one of the kindest hearted individuals I have ever known.

In this two-part interview, we explore Omar’s story and how our country’s criminal justice system failed him and thousands more who are and have been imprisoned for crimes they did not commit. He shares his personal experience of living inside prison and how much extreme mental effort it took to not become inhuman or broken. Omar constantly improved himself in preparation for his re-entry into the real world and even still, seven years after his release he continues to improve himself and help others do the same.

Omar in action, changing lives!

Omar is now using his freedom for something powerful and incredibly eye-opening. Apart from writing the book What's Wrong With You!, Omar helps Chicago youth stay out of the prison system by working on their social and emotional learning and teaching them to identify the helpful and harmful influences that they will encounter and to make better choices with his company The Proper Perception.

Omar teaches and shows what life is like in a prison cell.
Some of the kids Omar has worked with and helped re-shape their lives.


  • The Theory of Accountability a law in Illinois and other states where one can be liable for the conduct of another
  • 13th a documentary about racial inequality in the United States

  • Segregation: A Global History of Divided Cities
  • What's Wrong With You! Is the book written by Omar, which you can get from his website at The Proper Perception, LLC
Omar's book “What's Wrong With You” is a MUST READ!
Omar, Carrie and their beautiful daughters.

Giving is Good

Determined To Be UpRight is the organization where Omar is Founder & Executive Director. The organization saves many as young people by helping them identify the helpful and harmful influences that they will encounter, prepare young people mentally by open their minds through travel and community service and giving them a deeply rooted support system.

"You do not know what it means to move around freely and to think freely until it is taken away from you."

- Omar Yamini

Meet your Host, <em style="color:teal">Heather Vickery<em>

Meet your Host, Heather Vickery

Heather Vickery is an award-winning business owner and global leader with over 20 years as an entrepreneur. She leverages her entrepreneurial skills and expertise to coach individuals towards greater personal and professional fulfillment by helping them leverage their fear into intentional bravery. Heather says “When we choose bravely, on purpose, we choose bigger, have bigger successes and it’s contagious” A celebrated public speaker, Heather inspires audiences and empowers attendees with the tools they need to live bold and successful lives through creating balance, time management, mindfulness, as well as countless systems, strategies, and boundaries. She’s the author of Gratitude Journal: Shift Your Focus and Grow Grateful: A Gratitude Journal for Kids and Families. Heather is also the host and executive producer of The Brave Files Podcast.

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