Donnie Boivin, unleash your inner badass, The Brave Files Podcast

Unleash Your Inner Badass

With Featured Guest

Donnie Boivin


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Donnie Boivin, unleash your inner badass, The Brave Files Podcast

Unleash Your Inner Badass

With Featured Guest

Donnie Boivin


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Top Takeaways From This Episode

  • Successful sales are all about relationships and conversations.
  • Real freedom comes from staying true to yourself.
  • Happiness comes from living life by YOUR design.

Donnie Boivin knows what it’s like to create something from nothing. First, Donnie entered the Marine Corps. Then, after leaving the military, he jumped straight into the first job that presented itself: a commission-based sales position. Quickly, Donnie devoted his life to corporate sales and spent the following 19 years building large businesses for other people.

Donnie Boivin, Always sucessful

Living someone else’s life and chasing someone else’s dreams.

Eventually, Donnie realized he was living someone else's life and chasing someone else's dream. It wasn’t until 2 decades into his corporate career that Donnie found himself standing at a crossroads. Bravely, Donnie decided to walk away from his comfortable sales career with no job or security net in place. Finally, Donnie discovered his true calling and source of inspiration.

Today, as an international sales speaker, coach, and podcaster, Donnie’s story proves that you can face your fears and venture into the unknown. Through his journey, Donnie has come to realize that everyone has a story to tell, and life is all about the conversations you have along the way.

Donnie Boivin, Marine Corp, Brave

Donnie's Success Champions

Donnie now uses his experiences to coach and motivate others who are searching for that kick to get started. His podcast, Donnie’s Success Champions, inspires listeners and empowers guests through telling their stories and voicing their individual truths. Every day, in each episode of his podcast, Donnie encourages others to enjoy the freedom of their success and to unleash their inner badass.

Lastly, our very own, Heather Vickery, was a featured “Success Champion” on Donnie's show just a few weeks ago. In this episode Heather shares some pretty extraordinary details about her personal life and her journey to authenticity. Check the episode out, after you've listened to Donnie's interview on The Brave Files, of course!


Giving is Good

Comprehensive care for cancer families is close to Donnie’s heart. Therefore, he chooses to support Cancer Care Services, based in Fort Worth, Texas. Cancer Care Services provides financial assistance, social connection, counseling, and overall support to cancer patients and their families. Powerfully, the organization does their best to ensure no one goes through their cancer journey alone.

"I cannot do anything for you. All I'm doing is getting people to see what they already have and taking ownership of that, allowing them to unleash their inner badass."

- Donnie Boivin

Meet your Host, <em style="color:teal">Heather Vickery<em>

Meet your Host, Heather Vickery

Heather Vickery is an award-winning business owner and global leader with over 20 years as an entrepreneur. She leverages her entrepreneurial skills and expertise to coach individuals towards greater personal and professional fulfillment by helping them leverage their fear into intentional bravery. Heather says “When we choose bravely, on purpose, we choose bigger, have bigger successes and it’s contagious” A celebrated public speaker, Heather inspires audiences and empowers attendees with the tools they need to live bold and successful lives through creating balance, time management, mindfulness, as well as countless systems, strategies, and boundaries. She’s the author of Gratitude Journal: Shift Your Focus and Grow Grateful: A Gratitude Journal for Kids and Families. Heather is also the host and executive producer of The Brave Files Podcast.

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