After losing his vision at a young age, Maxwell Ivey learned the power in staying flexible as he adapted and eventually became known as The Blind Blogger. The Brave Files.

Learning To Be Flexible

With Featured Guest

Maxwell Ivey


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After losing his vision at a young age, Maxwell Ivey learned the power in staying flexible as he adapted and eventually became known as The Blind Blogger. The Brave Files.

Learning To Be Flexible

With Featured Guest

Maxwell Ivey


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Top Takeaways From This Episode

  • It’s easy to make excuses. The real magic happens when you don’t use them, and you make things happen instead!
  • Flexibility and adaptability are powerful skills to build.
  • Be open to the direction in which the universe wants to take you.
  • When you stay focused on the task ahead, there isn’t as much time to be afraid.
  • There are a lot of people out there ready to help, you just need the courage to ask for it. No one can do this alone.  

This week’s guest is such an inspiration. Maxwell Ivey teaches us all about the power in doing hard things, even while you’re scared. The key, Max says, is staying flexible and adaptable!

Losing Vision

At the young age of 12, Maxwell Ivey began to go blind. However, as the son of carnival owners, he wasn't about to let the loss of sight stop him from continuing to live a full life. While his vision loss slowly progressed over the next ten years of his life, Maxwell continued to focus his energy on whatever lied ahead.

Staying Flexible

While learning to function without relying on his vision, Max learned the power found remaining flexible. Essentially, he was forced to adapt. However, instead of fighting it, he discovered this skill to be life-changing on many fronts.

This focus on flexibility permeated every aspect of Max’s life. Not only did he physically adapt to new ways of moving through his day, but he also learned to stay flexible in his work. After exiting the carnival business, Max created a website to sell surplus amusement equipment. Working in the online space is difficult for most, but it’s a gigantic feat for someone who is blind!

This work eventually led him to where he is today as a blogger, author, and podcaster.

Lessons Learned

Max’s story teaches us invaluable lessons about excuses, inspiration, and adaptability. There are so many people in this world who have no excuse and simply don’t show up. We’ve all had times in our lives where we let the excuses, the what-ifs, and the fear get in our way. Max, however, has quite a legitimate excuse but chooses not to use it. He serves as an inspiration to all of us that we truly can do hard things. We can make anything happen if we simply learn to stay flexible and do the work.

After losing his vision at a young age, Maxwell Ivey learned the power in staying flexible as he adapted and eventually became known as The Blind Blogger. The Brave Files.

More About Maxwell:

Max has authored three books, and he’s currently working on his fourth!

About Maxwell's Books:

His first book, Leading You Out Of The Darkness Into The Light: A Blind Man's Inspirational Guide To Success, focuses on his journey from failed carnival owner to broker. It contains 11 exercises to encourage personal reflection, goal-setting, and staying flexible with everything that life throws at you.

Max’s second book, It's Not The Cookie, It's The Bag: An Easy-To-Follow Guide To Weight Loss Success, explains his preparation and process for gastric surgery. The books focuses on the changes that he made and some of the lessons that Max hopes will help other people who are trying to get healthy and stay that way.

His third book, The Blind Blogger’s NYC Adventures (+ How You Can Make Your Dreams Come True), tells Max’s story of heading off on a solo trip to New York City. He shares the lessons he learned and the keys to success used throughout his journey.

Connect with Max

We encourage you to learn more about Max through his website and blog. You should also check out his podcast, The What’s Your Excuse? Show.

Connect with Max via Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Giving is Good

Max supports Foundation Fighting Blindness, an organization that raises money to support research all around the world on preventing blindness. The Foundation Fighting Blindness is actually the world’s leading private funder of retinal disease research. Resources also focus on treating and assisting people who have already lost their vision.

"I made progress because I didn't focus on what I couldn't do."

- Maxwell Ivey

Meet your Host, <em style="color:teal">Heather Vickery<em>

Meet your Host, Heather Vickery

Heather Vickery is an award-winning business owner and global leader with over 20 years as an entrepreneur. She leverages her entrepreneurial skills and expertise to coach individuals towards greater personal and professional fulfillment by helping them leverage their fear into intentional bravery. Heather says “When we choose bravely, on purpose, we choose bigger, have bigger successes and it’s contagious” A celebrated public speaker, Heather inspires audiences and empowers attendees with the tools they need to live bold and successful lives through creating balance, time management, mindfulness, as well as countless systems, strategies, and boundaries. She’s the author of Gratitude Journal: Shift Your Focus and Grow Grateful: A Gratitude Journal for Kids and Families. Heather is also the host and executive producer of The Brave Files Podcast.

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