Carrie Brummer shares her intimate life story about becoming a recovered perfectionist, an artist, and overcoming life-threatening ailments by learning to let go and trust the process.

Stepping Out of Perfectionism

With Featured Guest

Carrie Brummer


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Carrie Brummer shares her intimate life story about becoming a recovered perfectionist, an artist, and overcoming life-threatening ailments by learning to let go and trust the process.

Stepping Out of Perfectionism

With Featured Guest

Carrie Brummer


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Top Takeaways From This Episode

  • Find your own creative voice despite societal expectations and challenges.
  • Appreciate your time and energy more than the outcome of your work.
  • Learn to love yourself, the way you do things, the choices you make, and why you make them.
  • Let go of perfectionism and control –  trust the process.

A recovering perfectionist

Raised by an artistically curious mother and an ambitious father, this week’s guest, Carrie Brummer is an artist, researcher, activist, professor, and mentor. She shares her empowering journey through art, success, and pushing past societal expectations of perfectionism and beauty. 

After earning a BA in Art and Art History at Colgate University as well as her MA, Carrie’s work has been showcased and featured in countless galleries and exhibitions throughout the world.

But what is art?

One of Carrie’s biggest discoveries is that “art is not just art,” and perfectionist issues affect not only the way we do things but why we do them. She has learned to tackle the challenges of self-doubt and strives to continue letting go. Promoting self-expression of the arts is incredibly important to Carrie and she reminds us that “it does not need to be perfect nor particularly beautiful to anyone but you.” Your artistry and experience of joy is enough.

Carrie Brummer shares her intimate life story about becoming a recovered perfectionist, an artist, and overcoming life-threatening ailments by learning to let go and trust the process.

Community over competition

Sharing her struggle with perfection is important to Carrie. That’s one of the reason’s she created a safe, online forum, called Artist Strong. The group is based around the arts and education. Their intention is to alter society’s expectation of art and its value.

Today, Carrie uses her creative talents to fight social norms around women and the roles that are created around gender. She asked women to consider the following questions:

  • What is your value and impact on society, specifically around the arts.
  • How can we improve this position?

Carrie shows unequivocal strength and determination in everything she does despite her lifelong journey of persistence, trust, and letting go.

Giving is Good

After foregoing multiple life-threatening surgeries, Carrie experienced financial hardship and needed help. Therefore, she’s a big supporter of  RIP Medical Debt assists with abolishing the nation’s astounding medical debt.

Their mission is to give you the power to eradicate medical debt at pennies on the dollar.

"Learn to love yourself, the way you do things, the choices you make, and why you make them."

- Carrie Brummer

Meet your Host, <em style="color:teal">Heather Vickery<em>

Meet your Host, Heather Vickery

Heather Vickery is an award-winning business owner and global leader with over 20 years as an entrepreneur. She leverages her entrepreneurial skills and expertise to coach individuals towards greater personal and professional fulfillment by helping them leverage their fear into intentional bravery. Heather says “When we choose bravely, on purpose, we choose bigger, have bigger successes and it’s contagious” A celebrated public speaker, Heather inspires audiences and empowers attendees with the tools they need to live bold and successful lives through creating balance, time management, mindfulness, as well as countless systems, strategies, and boundaries. She’s the author of Gratitude Journal: Shift Your Focus and Grow Grateful: A Gratitude Journal for Kids and Families. Heather is also the host and executive producer of The Brave Files Podcast.

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