Learning to lead and guide our lives with Emotional Intelligence leads to stronger relationships personally and professionally. Speaker, writer, and podcaster, Kingsley Grant is passionate about getting this message out and helping people elevate their lives. His mother’s battle with cancer inspired him to want to help other people live out their dreams. He aims to help people become the best versions of themselves. In this interview, he shares his inspiration and passion for inspiring others through what he calls emotelligence. The Brave Files Podcast.

Discovering Your Inner Leader

With Featured Guest

Kingsley Grant


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Learning to lead and guide our lives with Emotional Intelligence leads to stronger relationships personally and professionally. Speaker, writer, and podcaster, Kingsley Grant is passionate about getting this message out and helping people elevate their lives. His mother’s battle with cancer inspired him to want to help other people live out their dreams. He aims to help people become the best versions of themselves. In this interview, he shares his inspiration and passion for inspiring others through what he calls emotelligence. The Brave Files Podcast.

Discovering Your Inner Leader

With Featured Guest

Kingsley Grant


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Top Takeaways From This Episode

  • Hone in on your emotions and manage them – then you can use that to have stronger relationships personally and professionally.
  • Emotional intelligence is a tool you can use to make better decisions and live a better life.
  • How you relate to people is what determines the level of your success.
  • The people around you are watching – they will learn from you and their behavior will change because of it. This is a serious responsibility so be aware of your behavior!

Meet Kingsley Grant

Speaker, author, and coach – – Kingsley Grant helps people manage their emotions in order to become better at relationships and in their jobs. 

Just before Kingsly’s mother lost her battle with cancer she said that, if given a second chance at life, she would have become a nurse. This struck a chord with him. Not wanting anyone else to wish for a different life while laying upon their death bed, he decided upon a career path that would help as many people as possible. His mission was to help others live their dreams. No one should take their dreams to the grave as his mother did.

Understanding “Emotelligence”

Emotelligence is the art of succeeding where others fail. It’s the combination of emotion and intelligence and, once fully combined, gives up a lot of strength and support.

Do you feel like there’s a pushback to your leadership? What about an undermining effort by some? Are people distancing themselves from you? How about giving you a less than stellar effort in accomplishing tasks?If you identified with any of the above, becoming an Emotelligent Leader is the key to turn things around. Emotelligent pronounced EE-MOH-TE-LI-GENCE = Emotion + Intelligence Emotelligent Leaders recognize that people are their most valuable asset.

They also recognize that the most important task they have is to identify and manage their emotions, as well as the emotions of others. Research by the respected Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) in the U.S. found that the three main reasons for leadership failure are difficulty in handling change, inability to work well in a team, and poor interpersonal relations. This book provides the antidote. As you turn the pages, you will discover the 7 Essential Ingredients for becoming the leader everyone loves and wants to follow. Your confidence will soar like never before. These are the ingredients leaders who failed wish they had.

Bosses boss, leaders lead

“Your working with leaders, not a product.” This is why leading with emotional intelligence is so important within organizations! There is a big difference

People will champion you (as a leader) if you give hem reasons to do so!  People do not follow leaders, they follow what they see the leaders doing. It’s time to move past being a “boss” and lean into being a leader, at all times and in all ways. You can do this by being more self-aware, managing your emotions, and having the foresight to realize your role is to help people, to raise them up! You can make your employees a rockstar by pouring yourself into them. Check out this awesome article from Kingsly diving more into this!

Our children are watching!

Our behaviors and actions are always being watched by our loved ones, especially our children. 

After going back to school and changing his career later in life, Kingsley is proud to be a  source of inspiration to his children. They see all of his hard work and work ethic and their pride and support provide a sense of accomplishment. Just like his children, Kingsly aims to inspire other people and leaders to make better decisions and become the best versions of themselves.

Learn more about Kingsley

Grab a copy of Kingsley’s new book, The Emotelligence leader, here!

Learning to lead and guide our lives with Emotional Intelligence leads to stronger relationships personally and professionally. Speaker, writer, and podcaster, Kingsley Grant is passionate about getting this message out and helping people elevate their lives. His mother’s battle with cancer inspired him to want to help other people live out their dreams. He aims to help people become the best versions of themselves. In this interview, he shares his inspiration and passion for inspiring others through what he calls emotelligence. The Brave Files Podcast.

Tune into the Kingsley Grant Show, you won’t be sorry!

Learning to lead and guide our lives with Emotional Intelligence leads to stronger relationships personally and professionally. Speaker, writer, and podcaster, Kingsley Grant is passionate about getting this message out and helping people elevate their lives. His mother’s battle with cancer inspired him to want to help other people live out their dreams. He aims to help people become the best versions of themselves. In this interview, he shares his inspiration and passion for inspiring others through what he calls emotelligence. The Brave Files Podcast.

Kingly’s website is full of wonderful resources. Be sure to check it out, here.

Giving is Good

Compassion International is Kingsley’s favorite charity. They’re an organization that provides children in third and fourth world countries with a better education. They have a holistic approach to child development and they carefully blend physical, economic, spiritual, and social care together so less privileged children can have an all-round education.

"Relationships, and how you manage them, are what make you truly successful."

- Kingsley Grant

Meet your Host, <em style="color:teal">Heather Vickery<em>

Meet your Host, Heather Vickery

Heather Vickery is an award-winning business owner and global leader with over 20 years as an entrepreneur. She leverages her entrepreneurial skills and expertise to coach individuals towards greater personal and professional fulfillment by helping them leverage their fear into intentional bravery. Heather says “When we choose bravely, on purpose, we choose bigger, have bigger successes and it’s contagious” A celebrated public speaker, Heather inspires audiences and empowers attendees with the tools they need to live bold and successful lives through creating balance, time management, mindfulness, as well as countless systems, strategies, and boundaries. She’s the author of Gratitude Journal: Shift Your Focus and Grow Grateful: A Gratitude Journal for Kids and Families. Heather is also the host and executive producer of The Brave Files Podcast.

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