Quick Note: Stef Garvin uses Xe/ Xim pronouns.
Stef (formerly Steve as referenced in the interview) Garvin's fellow MBA colleagues thought xe'd won the career lottery. What they didn't know was Stef cried Sunday afternoons dreading going to work the next day. Stef felt stuck inside someone else's story until xe discovered the ability to rewrite the script. After years on a journey to recreate xeir story, Stef now loves Monday mornings and helping authors and speakers cross the financial wilderness to use their valued voices.
A new transformation
Most recently, rewriting Stef's rewriting of the script included stepping away from the church xe had attended most of xeir life. Stef could no longer put on a smile at church while living out of harmony with xeir internal values.
Connect with Stef
If you're looking to rewrite your story or sing your heartsong, connect with Stef via xeir website, Gifts Into Gold, Instagram, or Twitter.