
The Incubator:

The BRAVE Method ™

A Transformational Expansion Program.

Break The Rules,

Belong to Yourself!


What if you could get the training and the tools to elevate BOTH your life and business - without having to push pause on either one?

What if you could live into yourself with unapologetic honesty, brake the rules (you know the bull shit ones society puts on you), belong to yourself (finally), and expand in ways beyond your wildest dreams.

Now you can, friend.

I, Heather Vickery, am living proof that it’s possible. And I can show you how. You’ve forged the foundations.  You dream big and work hard every day.  It’s time to take things to the next level. I totally get that you can’t put life on hold for six months to jet off on an intensive business retreat to formulate strategies for reaching the next tier of success… You also can’t leave work to fend for itself while you escape to a holistic mindset retreat to strengthen your serenity and sense of purpose… 
Here’s the thing: Prioritizing life and prioritizing business should NOT be an either-or decision.
You should be able to learn and grow while still maintaining all of your responsibilities and pleasures.

That’s why Vickery and Co is bringing you

the Incubator:
A Transformational Expansion Program.

Designed to be enjoyed remotely and woven into your busy schedule, the Incubator allows you to stay at the helm of your ship (or even multiple ships) scaling your life and business without compromising either.

In this transformational 16-week program, you’ll become an expert in applying the BRAVE Method ™ , Human Design, NLP and more to manifest your most magnificent existence.

Best of all? You’ll be working directly with me.

I’ve walked this walk, I’ve been right where you are, and I have years of expert, transformational coaching experience teaching others how to step into their highest potential, regardless of how scary it is.

 I believe in your ability to have it all.apply

You’re worth it!

(You heard me right, you totally are!)


You deserve a first-class life, whether that means resting more (yay!)having the very best coffee (yum!)or sometimes actually traveling First Class (um, yes please)

You pour so much into others; make sure you’re pouring plenty into yourself too by investing in this exclusive, up-leveling experience that can be tailored specifically to your needs. 

By the by … When I say exclusive, I mean it. This opportunity is only offered *twice a year and capacity is strictly limited* to ensure that every participant gets the individual attention they need to engineer their own balanced success story. Are you ready to step into a first-class future? If so, use the button below to apply today.

“What if I fall?
Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?”
-Erin Hanson

Allow me to introduce myself ...

Heather Vickery Keynote Speaker Transformational Coach

Hi, I’m Heather Vickery. The BRAVE Method™ is my signature transformational coaching method that targets success through creativity, strategy, loyalty, honesty, empowerment, and surrendering anything that doesn’t serve you anymore.

Granted, my success and your success will probably not look alike – but I’ve burned my life down and risen from the ashes with the hope of helping others do the same.

So wherever you are, I can help you get where you want to go and in a way that makes you feel strong, bold, proud, joyful, fulfilled, and prepared for anything else you want to be now or in the future.

Here’s how:

What's The BRAVE Method™


Get clear about the whats and whys of your wants. Your success and sanity demand that you set limits with your loved ones, clients, and colleagues. Decide what’s acceptable to you (and what’s not). Then together we make plans for taking guilt and stale habits out of the equation to give your boundaries the respect they deserve. The BRAVE Method™ provides you with tools for communicating and tending to those boundaries. Then you get to reap the fantastic benefits of those (perhaps brand new?) parameters changing everything to bring you peace and ownership over your own existence.

The Three Rs

There’s no need to just muscle through mindlessly or to keep going in “the way things have always been done.” Getting stuck in the status quo is a sure way to drain your most precious resources (your energy, time, emotions, and your mental state). Here’s what The BRAVE Method™ will have you doing instead: REASSESS: Stop. Take a breath and take stock of your choices, actions, and decisions. Did they get the desired response? How did they make you feel? Are you self-sabotaging with limiting beliefs or refusing to face the real problems? REFRAME: What do you want the narrative to be now that you're seeing things more clearly? Let’s improve your plans and systems, or make an entirely new plan to create new outcomes. You can still have fears, but let that fear work for you, not against you. RESILIENCE: Tap into your strength. Build up your ability to keep trying and growing regardless of any challenges that crop up - because you have prioritized and clarified your needs and goals.

Action & Accountability

Show up. None of this works unless you do the work of it. However, don’t confuse that with having to do "it all” or do it alone. Action and ownership of your work come in many forms. Asking for help is doing the work; delegating is doing the work; scheduling rest and relaxation is doing the work. Be intentional and work smarter (which may or may not end up meaning “work harder.” It’s different for everyone). Follow through with the commitments you make to yourself - in both your life and your business - so you can seed your development, strengthen your resolve, and, ultimately, soar with The BRAVE Method™!


The strongest, healthiest, most rewarding relationships are built on vulnerability. To truly gain those real connections in all areas of life, we have to be vulnerable with ourselves first. Honesty and authenticity allow us to create trust and connection with our home, our projects, and our collaborators. Disrupt your desperation. The BRAVE Method™ helps you navigate building healthier and more authentic relationships that you can lean on for support as well as for celebration.

Expand & Empower

Expansion and empowerment are the gifts that result from all of your hard work. No one can give them to you except you. Eradicate your limiting beliefs and see how far you can go! It’s not your job to protect people from the ways that you shine, to reign in your success in the public eye, or to hide the skills that make the most of your wildest but completely achievable dreams. You can have what you want and serve your greatest purpose. It may be challenging, but it can also be joyful and abundant. You deserve serenity and success. Begin with this ending in mind, then focus on your inner work and choose this path for yourself.

B. R. A. V. E - See what I did there?

Fear is a feeling, but bravery is a choice. Achieve your potential in an all-encompassing, 360 degree-awareness of the idea that YOU ARE ENOUGH and you can do it. Re-center around your own truth, abilities, messiness, strength, and priorities that focus on the most useful challenges. Don’t settle and don’t let the people around you settle either. Own your opportunities. Step into your superpower. Maximize the power of your purpose. You can’t hide in the corner and expect yourself to achieve your wildest dreams. You have to step into the ring. The most important person that needs to say you’re worthy to share your voice, is you. Realize your unlimited possibilities and Ask. For. More. Because only you know what you really want. Now come get it.

“Heather Vickery walks the walk right along with you. Her BRAVE Method has changed the trajectory of my business. As part of her pilot Intentionally Brave Entrepreneurs group, I was surrounded by peers who were working hard, making changes in their business and in their lives, learning and living BRAVE. Together with this group and my 1-1 executive coaching with Heather, my business skyrocketed. I excelled during the pandemic by re-inventing, re-assessing my business, my team, my goals and aimed really effing high. Today I am SOOO close to a million dollar company - almost double where I was in 2019 and stayed true to myself and my company’s goals. If you need to take your business and your mindset to the next level - pick Heather to be your coach.”
Connie B.
Founder, The Brown Cow Ice Cream Parlor

Benefits Of The Brave Entrepreneur Incubator &
Its Transformational Coaching Style

This is a 16 week program.

One week for introductions, intention setting and getting to know one another. Then we flow into our five key sections, delivered in 3-week sections.

"This is that get-out-of-your-comfort-zone push that any entrepreneur needs to make lasting change. A personal and business growth opportunity that will help you uncover and identify your unique gifts and abilities so you can authentically share and connect with others on a deeper level."
Rebecca Qualiato. Vickery and Co Client. Health and Wellness Coach
Rebecca Q.
Health and Wellness Coach

You wouldn't believe the magic that happens when a community of heart-centered folks come together and embrace expansion!

More than just a course, The Incubator is dedicated to helping you understand and elevate yourself personally so you can grow professionally. 

Want to talk through the program and see if it's the right fit for you? Let's jump on a call!

Included in your membership

  • Firsthand expert explanation and application of The BRAVE Method ™ to each of the five program sections
  • An individual, complementary human design chart reading and coaching session (“Human Design” is a holistic, science-based, self-knowledge system that helps you live in alignment)
  • Guided breakthwork and meditation
  • Live coaching
  • Coach-on-Call access to Heather Vickery through custom app
  • Collaborative, engaging community for peer to peer support
  • Motivational and transformational mindset training & workshops (including replays and supplemental links)
  • Customized Visualizations, Affirmations, and Guided EFT tapping meditations
  • Self-guided work to expand on the training between sessions and give you plenty of practice
  • Weekly office hours and regular check-ins
  • Special gifts for registration and graduation
  • Q&A intensives
  • Optional deeper-diving book suggestions to go further with the lessons in each of the five program sections
  • And so much more ...
$ 1288
Four Monthly Payments.
(Total of $5152)
$ 4884
Payment in full
(saves $268)
Heather has created a whole community of people in different industries, different cities all wanting to grow and learn. The best way to help yourself is to help other people. It's so much easier to look at another person's situation and make a decision...but when it's your life, it's so much more complicated. When you have a group like this, everyone’s in it together!
Barbie Hull. Vickery and Co client. Photographer
Barbie H.

It’s time to own your expansion!

Frequently Asked Questions ...

The Incubator is for entrepreneurs with at least 5 years experience who are ready to break through the self-imposed glass ceiling and truly elevate themselves (and thus their business).  

Folks who will most benefit from the Incubator are openminded, willing to try new things, non-judgmental, and looking for accountability and community. We grow faster and more joyfully when we grow together.

Although the Incubator officially kicks off in early January, those who register from the waitlist will get bonus calls and sessions in the coming months. We will do a BRAVE Method Kickstart session in early December. Plus everyone will have access to the app and community starting in November to begin networking and building community. 

We will have live (virtual) meetings weekly that last appx 1.5 hours. The level of time spent outside of that depends on your own goals and commitments. Most members will spend another 1-3 hours doing their personal growth work outside of our sessions. 

That’s an excellent question and there’s not one specific answer. It’s going to COMPLETELY depend on how you best process.

Your human design chart can tell us a little about what’s most impactful for you when it comes to absorbing information, learning and getting into action. We will go over all of that in more detail in the Human Design bonus call, if you register from the Waitlist.

So much of this work needs to be aligned with how you can show up as your best self. If you force yourselves to do it the way someone else does (because it works for them) it may feel out of alignment.

Heather will work with you to figure out a system and pattern that fits you best.

Due to the small size of the group we will wait to select a time that works best for everyone (to the best of our ability). Meetings will, likely, take place on Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays.

Yes! All live sessions will be recorded and available to all members for the duration of the program and then an additional two months after the program ends.

The Incubator has a dedicated app through Heartbeat. This will allow us to interact, have live conversations, engaging chat and communications all in one place. It will be easy to access via the mobile app, the desktop app or the website.

Heather will check in to the app daily. Members are encouraged tag her specifically with questions. Responses will come within 24 business hours, if not sooner.

This program is not for brand new entrepreneurs. A minimum of five years experience is required. It's not for people who are unwilling to be reflective, engaged or try new things.

Great question! All Incubator members will have a total of six months access to the app and to Coach Heather. After that you'll be invited to Heather's private membership, The Brave Circle, which is reserved for past and current clients.  You can also work with Heather in coach-on-call capacity, a 1:1 program, VIP days and more. Don't worry – Heather isn't going anywhere and she's always ready to support you.

"This community is more than accountability and coaching; it is discovering more about yourself and what you truly want to do and be. The group works as the best cheering section you could have when working on your business. This community is actually better and more that I imagined. All of the people in the group are amazing and Heather is so very insightful, caring, and honest."
Jeanette G.
Podcaster and ADHD Coach

You're worth it. Join us now!

Need even quicker, more intensive help?

No spots currently open in the next Brave Entrepreneurs Incubator?

Maybe 16 weeks feels like too big of a commitment for you at the moment?

Not a problem. 

We also offer dedicated, highly personalized one-on-one sessions with Heather Vickery for anyone that prefers a VIP Day.

You can



You can



You can



You can love it even more than you imagine. 

If you want to fly, let’s make it happen! 

All that’s left is to decide how you’d like to get started flying high with The BRAVE Method™. Would the exclusive, brand-new Brave Entrepreneur Incubator be best? Or perhaps a bespoke, one-on-one VIP session would be a better fit for you?

You Have Options ...

The BRAVE Method VIP Sessions

One-On-One Transformational Coaching

Individual Success Strategizing

Are you seeking personalized support?

Perhaps you need help and you need it quickly.   If so, a bespoke transformational coaching intensive is the best way for us to work together.   Are you’re ready to step into the big leagues but want to test out if The BRAVE Method™ is right for you before committing to the community.   Whatever it is that you need, Heather Vickery can help you start seeing things the way they really are, not the way you think they should be. She has both done and taught the principles that we’re offering to you. She won’t ask you to do anything that she hasn’t been through (and personally needed) for the growth of her own life and business.   WE WANT YOU TO SUCCEED BEYOND YOUR MOST EPIC FANTASIES.   We’ve already helped other people get there with these actionable secret ingredients. You can be next if that’s what you want. Now, before you ask:   No. It’s not too late. No. You’re not too old. And NO. The moment hasn’t passed. (Unless YOU say it has.)   If you’re ready to seize the moment and create your own success, then Vickery and Co is here to help you do exactly that.   Click the button below to schedule a call with Coach Heather and figure out next steps.
"Working with Heather put me on the road to doing the hard work I needed to do, wanted to do and desire to continue doing to take myself to the next level".
Erika L. Vickery and Co Client. CEO Founder or EWAK
Erika L.
Online Shop Owner

Benefits Of Personalized
Transformational Success Coaching

What You’ll Get With
VIP Sessions:

You're no longer who you used to be and not quite who you're going to be. Learn to like and trust yourself in this moment, as the version of you who exists today. 

What's possible if you decided to break the rules society has put on you that keep you stuck and feeling like shit?

These are some of the things you can achieve if we work together…

  • Get unstuck and find clear flow with immediate or recurring challenges
  • Grow more courageous – improving your bottom line without shaming or denying your fears
  • Connect with a visionary coach who can help you chart your path to success and navigate the choppy waters that always arise once you state your intention to thrive 
  • Recognize and reinforce what’s working while developing more efficient systems to move toward your truest goals
  • Build a life and a business you fucking love by learning to belong to yourself and break the “rules.”

You are unique and so is your business. So what you need, and what you’ll get through a scheduled VIP Session, is: 

  • Heather Vickery’s undivided attention for a four-hour intensively focused VIP Day (or a series of them) either virtually or in person in Chicago (Heather can travel to you. Travel expenses will apply).
  • Basic Human Design understanding
  • Pre-Call to prep for the session. 
  • a tailor-made, personalized, actionable plan you can implement right away.
  • Follow up accountability call.
  • Four week's of follow up support via Telegram.
  • unique problem-solving solutions, and
  • the all-important tools, techniques, and essential tips that can give you the competitive edge you are looking for to jet-propel your business and life trajectory. 

But you'll need to act soon!

We only release a few of these sessions each quarter.

Reserve yours now before the schedule is booked up!

"I cannot express enough that this is not your traditional coaching program. Heather has truly thought through the needs of an entrepreneur and has created a flexible program that both meets general needs as well as personal needs."
Carly G.
Artist and Attorney