
The Brave Circle

by Heather Vickery

It's time to get unstuck, motivated, and build a life and a business that you are madly in love with.

The Brave Circle is a membership community for coaches, consultants and strategists looking to authentically connect in order to grow.

You cannot possibly reach your full potential without support. In The Brave Circle, when we rise up, we rise up together.

Start seeing things for what they are not the way you think they should be.

As service providers, we're often so focused on helping others that we forget to nurture ourselves, our souls, our businesses.

The Brave Circle is powerful community of like minded individuals. Folks that are eager to support, lift, mentor, inspire and achieve. It's trough this passionate community that you'll finally live a life you f**king love and have a business that's equally as wonderful

“Every. Single.  Moment. I have spent within Heather's  program has made me feel  encouraged and supported without ever feeling judged (even when my business was on hold and I attended to more personal things).”

- Liz Hansen

Community Highlights

Hot Seat Laser Coaching

Grab your slice of undivided coaching and support from Coach Heather Vickery.This is dedicated time to focus on what's most important to you. Not ready for a hot seat? You'll receive tremendous value simply by being in the room.

Weekly Accountability Check-ins

Everyone needs a little extra accountability Our accountability support manager will be available each week to check-in with you, offer support and resources and make sure you're accomplishing that which you're committed to.

Monthly B2B Networking

The Brave Circle is all about community, collaboration and connection. Join us monthly to grow your network, make menaingful connection and find way's to support one another.

Matched Peer -to-peer Partnerships

The purpose of The Brave Circle is to give you a sense of accountability and community in many different ways. Opt in to peer-to-peer accountability partnerships. These partnerships will rotate every three months.

Quarterly Dreamscaping Workshops

Nothing works unless you do but we want to make sure all your hard work and effort is growing you in the right direction. That's why we're offering quarterly Dreamscaping/Goal Planning workshops.

Quarterly Bookclub

Learning is one of the most important ways we develop and grow. Join us for a curated bookclub with check in's as you're reading and lively discussions. Heather will help you apply the book to The BRAVE Method and see how all the pieces fit together.

Heather Vickery, Author of FUCK FEARLESS MAKING THE BRAVE LEAP. Speaker, Success Coach. The BRAVE Method

You wouldn't believe the magic that happens when a community of heart-centered folks come together.

More than just a membership, The Brave Circle is dedicated to helping you elevate yourself personally so you can grow professionally. 

Included in your membership

  • Access to our BRAVE Circle Community via Slack
  • Monthly Hot Seat Laser Coaching
  • Monthly Mastermind
  • Monthly B2B networking sessions
  • Weekly office hours with Coach Heather
  • Matched peer-to-peer accountability partnerships
  • Accountability Check-in's (optional)
  • Quarterly Dreamscaping and goal setting workshops
  • Quarterly, themed and engaging social hours
  • Quarterly bookclub meetings (book not included)
  • Member highlights in community newsletters
  • Early access to VIP day specials, 1:1 coaching and special events
$ 348 3-month minimum commitment
$ 3600 12-month pre-paid membership

It’s time to quit playing the blame game!

Jump off the comparison wheel.

Be in charge of your own happiness and success.

you don't have to be great to start but you have to start to be great -zig ziglar

Introducing The BRAVE Method™

The BRAVE Method, Heather Vickery's signature coaching method is all about being loyal to yourself. It's about finding creative, strategic, unique ways to  problem solving. It's about dreaming, designing, building and actually having a life and a business that you completely f*cking love.

It's about deciding you're worth (because you are!).

It's time to trust yourself and be tenacious enough to get creative, be gutsy, and surrender the how. 

The BRAVE Method is a grounding pointing, a jumping off point and a touchstone for helping you in every element of life and business.


Setting boundaries can be challenging, whether it’s with loved ones, clients or business colleagues. Don’t let guilt impact you taking the necessary steps to build your own peace. Boundaries are the limits that define acceptable behavior - and they are your limits! You get to decide what's acceptable. Get clear on your boundaries, understand why they're important, communicate them clearly and see on how they change everything.

The Three R's

Stop "pushing through" without taking stock of what's happening. Take a moment to REASSESS your choices, actions, and decisions. Did they get the desired response? How did they make you feel? Now REFRAME! Decide what you want the narrative to be and what you've learned from the experience. Finally, Make a new plan, get up and do it again, differently. It's time to tap into your own RESILIENCE.

Action & Accountability

Nothing works unless you do. That doesn't mean, however, that you have to do "it all." Action steps come in many forms. From time blocking, creating stronger boundaries (and sticking to them), to asking for help, delegating or building more accountability to prioritizing rest and relaxation. Action and accountability are crucial for your growth and development. Be intentional with your actions!


The strongest, healthiest and most rewarding relationships are built on vulnerability, In order to truly gain those real connections, we have to be vulnerable with ourselves first. Showing up honestly and authentically allows us to create trust and connection with others. The Brave Method is here to navigate you to building more healthier and authentic relationships

Expand & Empower

This is your result! When you step into your inner BRAVE. When you implement and utilize The BRAAVE Method, you will expand and empower yourself. It's important to note, no one can empower you. This is inside work! Showing up for ourselves ultimately allows us to expand in every way possible. The BRAVE Method offers the secret of how you can tap into your own power.

B. R. A. V. E - Get it?

The BRAVE Method is a center point designed to help you jump off or get re-centered. It’s the perfect strategy for creative problem solving, dreaming, designing, building and actually living a life that you love with a business that compliments it. This 360 approach will guide you in all areas of your life.

“Working with Heather put me on the road to doing the hard work I needed to do, wanted to do and desire to continue doing to take myself to the next level”

- Erika Lataines

You're worth it. Join us now!

Dear Brave one  –

I see you. You're constantly giving of yourself and you love it! You're doing what you were put on the earth to do … But I know you feel tired and overwhelmed. Why do you think this is?

Are you doing too much or maybe trying to do too much alone? What is possible if you allowed yourself to be part of a beautiful community filled with people who are committed to expanding and empowering themselves? Folks like you who want to embrace their fears and step into bravery because it's just a more robust, honest way to live your life and run your business?

How might it feel to have an entire team of adoring fans supporting you, lifting you up and cheering you on?

That's what The Brave Circle is here for. You can have all of this and more. We're here and we're waiting for you

Love, Heather.