
2019 Word of The Year: Explore

I have been identifying a “Word of The Year” for the last several years. This is a word that inspires, motives and connects me. It’s a word that I employee into every element of my life and work on a daily basis to manifest into reality.

Think of your Word of The Year as one big, overarching goal you set for yourself. But it isn’t a “thing” to be accomplished or checked off your to-do list. It’s a feeling, an energy that you want to bring into all aspects of your life. Essentially it’s a guiding word to carry with you throughout the year.

My Word of The Year for 2019 is …

Success and Leadership Coach, Heather Vickery word of the year: EXPLORE

Now, you may be thinking this word means I want to travel a lot. Well, I do! But that’s not the only way I plan to use the word explore throughout the year.

Here are the many ways and things I plan to explore this year.

Enriching my mind, body, and soul.

I am a lover of learning. It’s something that has always motivated me, but there’s a catch. I only want to learn things I desire to learn! This isn’t such a great habit because there are loads of things I would benefit from learning. I just have no interest or motivation to do so (like managing my own social media account!).

So, this year I want to enrich my mind, body, and soul by learning new things in new and inventive ways. Here are some ways I have already identified, but I know more will present themselves as I move through the year.

  • I plan to attend a yoga retreat to better understand the needs of my body and mind.
  • Attend some new conferences (Podcast Movement and The Experience MGMTSummit) where I will push myself into uncomfortable situations, make new contacts and discover even more things to learn about!
  • I committed to pulling 12 books off of my dusty shelves and reading them. 12 books in 12 months. Follow along as I post recaps of each book I read. (How’s that for creating self-accountability!?)
  • Taking a Positive Psychology Certification Course. (Eek! I am super excited about this one!)
  • Participating in the Author’s Academy by Publish your Purpose Press.

Writing and publishing my first book.

In 2018, I was honored to co-author my first book, Lose the Cape: The Mom's Guide to Becoming Socially & Politically Engaged (& How to Raise Tiny Activists). I am extremely grateful to Alexa Bigwarfe from Kat Biggie Press for the opportunity.

Something magical opened up inside me after becoming a co-author. The fear and anxiety I had about becoming a published author simply disappeared. I don’t even think I realized how much I was holding myself back for no real reason!

In early 2019, I will publish a Gratitude Journal to help guide you towards a healthy and possibly life-altering gratitude practice. The journal tells my personal story of discovering the power behind a gratitude practice, the science behind gratitude and different ways to invite gratitude into your own life. There are 180 entries along with 180 unique and creative prompts to help you connect with gratitude in powerful and unexpected ways.

Did you know you could pre-order the journal right now and save $5 plus receive free shipping?

Pre-order Vickery and Co's gratitude Journal and save $5 plus free shipping. Heather Vickery.

I am also actively working on my first full book – –  Raising Consciousness: A Guide To Parenting Socially Responsible and Empowered Kids. This book is a pure labor of love and combines my passion for empowerment, social justice and kids all in one. Stay tuned to be updated on the progress for the book which I hope to release in the fall.

My role as a social justice warrior.

Clearly, you are beginning to see a pattern in my passions and work. I invite 2019 to allow me to explore, more deeply, social justice and restorative work. There is so much to be done, but before I can push myself I need to continue to understand my role and how my privilege can be used in a positive manner. This work connects deeply with my heart and soul.

Utter joy and happiness.

As simple as it may seem, I intend to explore the many ways I can experience utter joy and happiness. From tiny things like laughter and long walks to deep conversations and self-care. There will be live music, live theater, “lucky days” with my daughters (and my partner!), phone calls with my beloved parents, dinner and coffee dates with my treasured friends, smelling fresh cut flowers, and taking the time to experience small pleasures like the way it feels to climb into a bed with fresh sheets!

My heart, mind, and soul are open to utter joy and happiness in all forms.

And, yes, travel.

I am a Sagittarius after all! My eye for adventure, exploration, and travel is fierce. I can remember being a small child and thinking I wanted to see every place on Earth (this is still a life goal, by the way)! As a young adult, someone asked me where I would go if I could travel anywhere in the world. My answer was The Great Wall of China. At the time, it seemed like the furthest possible place from where I was. (During college I was in Central Ohio.) It seemed like a grand adventure, and it still does.

This year, I already have plans to go to the Bahamas, Salt Lake City, Connecticut, Palm Springs, Paris, and Orlando. I am open to all possibilities for travel and I trust that the universe will present these opportunities to me.

As the late Maya Angelou once said: “Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.”

I am asking and I am ready!

Now, how about you? Do you have a Word of the Year? Comment below and share it with us, or drop me an email. I would love to support you on this year’s journey!

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About the Author

Heather Vickery
Heather Vickery
Heather Vickery is an award-winning business owner and global leader with over 20 years as an entrepreneur. She leverages her entrepreneurial skills and expertise to coach individuals towards greater personal and professional fulfillment by helping them leverage their fear into intentional bravery. Heather says “When we choose bravely, on purpose, we choose bigger, have bigger successes and it’s contagious” A celebrated public speaker, Heather inspires audiences and empowers attendees with the tools they need to live bold and successful lives through creating balance, time management, mindfulness, as well as countless systems, strategies, and boundaries. She’s the author of Gratitude Journal: Shift Your Focus and Grow Grateful: A Gratitude Journal for Kids and Families. Heather is also the host and executive producer of The Brave Files Podcast.