
Fall Reset

In the blink of an eye, we’re closing in on the end of the year. It’s extremely hard to believe.  We’re wrapping up our summer plans, and the kids are back in school. Before you know it, we’ll be thinking about fall activities. Then, BOOM, it’s the holidays. Time is seriously flying at record speed.


While I hate to see summer break come to a close, I’m deeply excited about returning to routine and getting back to my to-do list. I have so many exciting projects on the horizon and, well, I love my job. Still, it takes a few weeks to fully regroup and pick up with the normal routine. 


Fall is the perfect time to reset!


This is a great time of year to transition and pivot. You can learn a lot by practicing reflection and reassessment as you move into fall.  Personally, I take this time to reprioritize and reflect on my goals. While the kids meet new teachers, reconnect with their peers, and get involved in their own activities, I seize the opportunity to start fresh too!


I encourage you to do the same.  


Time For Transition


Whether you have kids heading back to school or not, I hope you enjoyed extra time for relaxation and connection over the summer. While I absolutely cherish summertime with my girls, I definitely appreciate the ability to reset and refocus on my business in the fall. I’m excited to focus my energy on working effectively with continued intention.


Most of my clients take it easy over the summer. Maybe you let your responsibilities and client relationships slide a little; it’s easy to do! (I also fall into this category sometimes). 


If this is you, I invite you to join me in using the month of September as a time to refocus.


Fall Reset. Goals, reassessment, entrepreneur, coaching, success, leadership. Heather Vickery Energy.


Focus Your Energy


Sit and reflect on the areas of your life and business that need your attention most. Identify if it’s your business or personal life that needs the most attention and improvement. Then, focus your energy in that direction. 


Ask yourself a few questions to ensure you’re staying in alignment with your values and overall goals:

  •       Did any areas of your business suffer during the summer months?
  •       How can you direct your energy towards those areas?
  •       Which habits can you implement today to set you on the right track? Or which habits would you like to change?
  •       What are you most excited to improve upon right now?


Fall Reset. Goals, reassessment, entrepreneur, coaching, success, leadership. Heather Vickery Refocus.

Refocus On Your Goals


Keeping these answers in mind, begin to think about your goals. Are they still the same as they were a few months ago? Our dreams, desires, and priorities shift regularly; don’t miss an opportunity to stay in touch with yourself on these things! If your goals have shifted, this is the perfect time to really dive deep and reset.


Take the time to evaluate the specific, daily changes you’ll need to make. Break your big goals down into smaller, actionable tasks. Reconnect with your “why.” All of these things are crucial when it comes to refocusing on your goals.


Now Is The Time


When it comes to staying in alignment with your goals, now is always the time to start. When you wait for the perfect time, you’ll quickly realize there simply isn’t one.


Join me this month and commit to finishing the year strong. Ditch the things no longer serve you because “being busy” isn’t something to celebrate. Let’s focus our energy and make things happen!



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About the Author

Heather Vickery
Heather Vickery
Heather Vickery is an award-winning business owner and global leader with over 20 years as an entrepreneur. She leverages her entrepreneurial skills and expertise to coach individuals towards greater personal and professional fulfillment by helping them leverage their fear into intentional bravery. Heather says “When we choose bravely, on purpose, we choose bigger, have bigger successes and it’s contagious” A celebrated public speaker, Heather inspires audiences and empowers attendees with the tools they need to live bold and successful lives through creating balance, time management, mindfulness, as well as countless systems, strategies, and boundaries. She’s the author of Gratitude Journal: Shift Your Focus and Grow Grateful: A Gratitude Journal for Kids and Families. Heather is also the host and executive producer of The Brave Files Podcast.